Meeting documents

October 2012

  1. Meeting document

    Matters arising out of the work of the 101st Session (2012) of the International Labour Conference Follow-up to the adoption of the resolution concerning the recurrent discussion on fundamental principles and rights at work: Plan of action

    11 October 2012

    The Governing Body is invited to discuss the proposed plan of action and provide guidance to the Office for its implementation (see the draft decision in paragraph 37).

  2. Meeting document

    Draft minutes - Programme, Financial and Administrative Section

    11 October 2012

  3. Meeting document

    Report of the Director-General

    11 October 2012

    This report summarizes information that the Director-General wishes to communicate to the Governing Body concerning obituaries, progress in international labour legislation and internal administration. Draft decisions are in paragraphs 6, 12 and 16.

  4. Meeting document

    Global economic prospects and the Decent Work Agenda

    11 October 2012

    The paper presents the latest available information on global economic and employment prospects. It describes recent international initiatives (G20, European Union and United Nations) to coordinate policies to counteract the risk of deterioration in the world economy. The paper concludes with an analysis of the policy challenges facing the ILO and invites the Governing Body to discuss the challenges for the Decent Work Agenda in light of the deteriorating prospects for the global economy, and the priorities for further ILO support to the coordination of multilateral policies for sustained recovery and growth. Paragraph 30 contains points to facilitate the discussion.

  5. Meeting document

    Report of the Director-General Second Supplementary Report: Follow-up to Governing Body decisions

    11 October 2012

    In the present document, the Governing Body is provided with an overview of the action envisaged or already taken by the Office to give effect to the decisions adopted at its previous session, and is invited to provide guidance to the Office concerning the format of future reports (see the draft decision in paragraph 7).

  6. Meeting document

    Implementation of the Tripartite Agreement on Freedom of Association and Democracy in Colombia

    10 October 2012

    This document informs the Governing Body of progress in the implementation of the 2006 Tripartite Agreement over the period from October 2011 to August 2012.

  7. Meeting document

    Labour migration

    09 October 2012

    This document reviews the changing landscape of international labour migration, the ILO response and comparative advantage, and the ILO’s contributions to global debates and initiatives since the general discussion on migrant workers at the 92nd Session (2004) of the International Labour Conference. It puts forward some suggestions regarding how to raise the profile and influence of the ILO in global discussions relating to migration, with a view to providing policy space for the ILO’s constituents in the area of labour migration. In the light of the United Nation’s 2013 High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development and its follow-up, the Governing Body is invited to give guidance on actions to be taken and the ways in which the Office should work with the representatives of governments and of employers’ and workers’ organizations to strengthen the ILO’s role in international labour migration (see the draft decision in paragraph 20).

  8. Meeting document

    Public–private partnerships: The way forward

    09 October 2012

  9. Meeting document

    Building questions: Headquarters building renovation project

    09 October 2012

    Report on progress made in respect of the headquarters building renovation project since the 315th Session of the Governing Body.

  10. Meeting document

    Decent work in the post-2015 development agenda

    06 October 2012

    The paper is submitted for debate and decision on ILO contributions to the formulation process of the post-2015 United Nations development agenda. The Governing Body is invited to discuss the issues raised, identify the priorities for the ILO and request the Director-General to take action accordingly (see draft decision in paragraph 28).

  11. Meeting document

    Composition of the International Labour Conference: Proportion of women and men on delegations

    05 October 2012

    For the purpose of promoting gender parity in delegations to ILO meetings, the Governing Body is invited to approve action at three levels: (a) more detailed reporting by the Credentials Committee of the Conference on the gender composition of the Conference; (b) regular reports by the Director-General to the Governing Body based on inquiries to constituents on measures taken and experiences concerning gender parity in Conference delegations; and (c) continued encouragement and assistance by the Office to constituents’ efforts towards gender parity in delegations.

  12. Meeting document

    South–South and triangular cooperation: The way forward – Revised indicators forthe Strategy adopted in March 2012

    05 October 2012

    The Governing Body is invited to endorse the new indicators for outcome 1 and the revised indicator for outcome 2 of the ILO Strategy on South–South and Triangular Cooperation that it endorsed in March 2012 (see draft decision in paragraph 4).

  13. Meeting document

    Update on the high-level tripartite mission to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

    05 October 2012

    Update on the organization of a high-level tripartite mission to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in accordance with the Governing Body’s decision of March 2011.

  14. Meeting document

    Discussion about the effect given to the decision adopted in November 2011 on the item entitled Green jobs, decent work and sustainable development, with a focus on the implication for the ILO’s programme of work of the outcome of the UNCSD 2012 (Rio +20)

    05 October 2012

    The paper is submitted for debate and guidance on ILO contributions towards giving effect to the outcomes of the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD). The Governing Body is invited to discuss the issues raised in this paper, to identify the priorities for substantive follow-up by the ILO to the outcome of the UNCSD and to take action accordingly (see draft decision in paragraph 20).

  15. Meeting document

    Information and communications technology questions: Progress report on IT strategy

    04 October 2012

    This paper, submitted for debate and guidance, provides an update on the progress of initiatives highlighted in the Information Technology Strategy 2010–15.

  16. Meeting document

    Operational aspects of the International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC)

    02 October 2012

    This document provides a summary of the meeting of the IPEC International Steering Committee held on 12 June 2012. The main item on the agenda was to consider the report IPEC action against child labour 2010–11: Progress and future priorities.

September 2012

  1. Meeting document

    Preview of the Programme and Budget proposals for 2014-15

    28 September 2012

    The Governing Body is invited to comment on the preliminary information concerning the Programme and Budget proposals for 2014–15 and to provide guidance to the Office for the submission of proposals to its session in March 2013 (see draft decision in paragraph 38).

  2. Conference outcome document

    Malawi National Conference on Child Labour in Agriculture - Outcome document

    26 September 2012

    The Malawi National Conference on Child Labour in Agriculture took place on 4-6 September 2012, was supported by the Government of Malawi, the ECLT Foundation and the ILO.

  3. Meeting document

    Other personnel questions

    26 September 2012

    This document is submitted as a follow-up to the Governing Body’s decision in March 2012 to defer consideration of a set of interim arrangements on recruitment and selection procedures, pending an overall review of those procedures (see the draft decision in paragraph 20).

  4. Meeting document

    Proposed operational plan for putting in place the MNE Declaration follow-up mechanism and promotional activities: Proposal to postpone discussion

    26 September 2012

    The Governing Body is invited to postpone until its 317th Session (March 2013) the review of the proposed operational plan for putting in place the MNE Declaration follow-up mechanism and the specified promotional activities (see the draft decision in paragraph 3).