Meeting documents

October 2013

  1. Meeting document

    Programme of meetings as approved by the Officers of the Governing Body - Meetings for the remainder of 2013 and for 2014–15

    23 October 2013

  2. Meeting document

    Report of the Director-General: Sixth Supplementary Report: Report of the Tripartite Meeting of Experts on Facilitating Transitions from the Informal Economy to the Formal Economy (Geneva, (16–20 September 2013)

    22 October 2013

    This document contains the report of the Tripartite Meeting of Experts on Facilitating Transitions from the Informal Economy to the Formal Economy, which took place in Geneva from 16 to 20 September 2013. The Governing Body is invited to request the Director-General to draw the attention of the ILO constituents to the report of the Tripartite Meeting of Experts, by transmitting it: (a) to the governments of all member States and, through them, to national employers’ and workers’ organizations; (b) to the international organizations concerned, including international non-governmental organizations with consultative status (see the draft decision in paragraph 7).

  3. Meeting document

    Declaración del Diálogo de Alto Nivel sobre la Migración Internacional y el Desarrollo

    22 October 2013

  4. Meeting document

    Oral report on the outcome of the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Dialogue (HLD) on International Migration and Development

    21 October 2013

    This document assesses the outcome of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development and its implications for the ILO and its constituency and suggests some possible follow-up. The Governing Body is invited to request the Director-General to bring the information reported concerning the outcome of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development, its relevance for the ILO and its constituency, and possible follow-up by the Office to the attention of the Tripartite Technical Meeting on Labour Migration (4–8 November 2013) (see the draft decision in paragraph 14).

  5. Meeting document

    Short overview of selected highlights of sectoral work carried out in the first part of 2013

    17 October 2013

    This document provides a short overview of selected highlights of sectoral work carried out between January and August 2013.

  6. Meeting document

    Follow-up to the resolution on the trade union situation in Fiji, adopted by the Governing Body at its 316th Session (November 2012)

    16 October 2013

    Response of the Government of Fiji to the ILO Director-General’s letter dated 3 July 2013 concerning the Governing Body’s request for a direct contacts mission

  7. Meeting document

    Information on the ILO operational budget for 2014–15

    15 October 2013

  8. Meeting document

    Update on the implementation of technical cooperation activities in Myanmar

    14 October 2013

    Report of the ILO Liaison Officer in Myanmar on progress in ILO implementation of the programme framework for technical cooperation activities in Myanmar. A detailed outcome and issues report will be tabled at the 320th Session of the Governing Body in March 2014.

  9. Meeting document

    Improving the functioning of the International Labour Conference

    14 October 2013

  10. Meeting document

    Review of the implementation of the Governing Body reform: Proposed issues for consideration

    11 October 2013

    This document contains a list of proposed issues/questions to guide the Office in the preparation of an in-depth analysis of the Governing Body reform to be discussed in March 2014. This list is not intended to be exhaustive, but to stimulate discussion and allow the members of the Governing Body to contribute to its final formulation.

  11. Meeting document

    Financial questions relating to the International Institute for Labour Studies

    08 October 2013

    The paper provides the Governing Body with advance copies of the Programme and Budget proposals of the Institute for 2014–15 and information on the acceptance of contributions and gifts to the Institute as well as the financial position of both the Institute’s Endowment Fund and the Phelan Legacy as at 31 December 2012.

  12. Meeting document

    Standing Orders of the International Labour Conference: Proposed amendments arising from the Conference reform proposals of the Governing Body

    08 October 2013

    In response to a decision by the Governing Body on the recommendation of the Working Party on the Functioning of the Governing Body and the International Labour Conference, this document proposes amendments to the Conference Standing Orders that are necessary to implement the reform proposals on which tripartite consensus has been reached so far. It also proposes options for one issue on which the Office requires further guidance from the Governing Body. The Governing Body is asked to invite the Conference to adopt the proposed amendments to its Standing Orders and to request the Office to prepare further amendments for the following session of the Governing Body.

  13. Meeting document

    Building questions: Headquarters building renovation project

    04 October 2013

    At its 309th Session (November 2010), the Governing Body approved a comprehensive plan for the renovation of the ILO headquarters building in two phases. It also approved the replacement of the 16 main elevators in the building. This paper provides information on the progress made since the 317th Session (March 2013) of the Governing Body. It also contains information on project expenditure and financial commitments and the results of the project pilot’s initial assessment of cost estimates. The Governing Body is invited to take note of the document and the revised estimates and request the Director-General to submit proposals at its 320th Session (March 2014) on any revisions to project scope and financing options.

  14. Meeting document

    Report and Declaration of the Ninth European Regional Meeting (Oslo, 8–11 April 2013)

    02 October 2013

  15. Meeting document

    Report of the DG - Third Supplementary Report: Documents submitted for information only

    01 October 2013

September 2013

  1. Meeting document

    Programme and Budget for 2012–13: Regular budget account and Working Capital Fund

    30 September 2013

    This paper provides information on the position of 2012–13 income and expenditure as at 31 August 2013 together with the status of contributions by member States at this date. In accordance with established practice, the paper also proposes that the Governing Body authorize its Chairperson to approve transfers between items in the budget, should this be necessary, in order to close the financial period prior to the next session of the Governing Body (see the draft decision in paragraph 11).

  2. Meeting document

    Update on the operation of the complaint mechanism in Myanmar

    30 September 2013

    Report of the ILO Liaison Officer in Myanmar on the number, type and outcome of complaints received and treated under the forced labour complaints mechanism.

  3. Meeting document

    Proposed 2014–15 budgets for extrabudgetary accounts: Inter-American Centre for Knowledge Development in Vocational Training (CINTERFOR)

    30 September 2013

    This paper presents a proposal for CINTERFOR’s Programme and Budget for 2014–15. Additionally, it provides information concerning the use of the 2012–13 budget and activities implemented during 2012–13 taking into account the guidance received from the Governing Body in November 2011. The Governing Body is invited to approve the income and expenditure estimates of the CINTERFOR extra-budgetary account for 2014–15, as set out in Appendix I (see the draft decision in paragraph 16).

  4. Meeting document

    Agenda of the International Labour Conference (2015 and beyond)

    30 September 2013

    To submit to the Governing Body proposals to complete the agenda of the 104th Session (2015) of the Conference as well as proposals for the agenda of the 105th Session (2016) and beyond of the Conference, in light of the decisions taken at the 317th Session (March 2013) of the Governing Body and the discussions and outcomes of the 102nd Session (June 2013) of the Conference. The Governing Body is invited to take decisions concerning the agenda of the Conference or provide guidance (see the draft decisions in paragraph 13).

  5. Meeting document

    Annual evaluation report 2012–13

    30 September 2013

    In the present document, the Governing Body is provided with a progress report on the ILO’s evaluation work during 2012–13 as measured against its results-based strategy 2011–15. The second part of the report summarizes the results of several studies on the Office’s effectiveness in achieving short- and medium-term objectives. The Governing Body may wish to take note of the present report, endorse recommendations to be included in the ILO’s rolling plan for the implementation of the recommendations and suggestions contained in it, and confirm priorities for the 2015 programme of work (see the draft decision in paragraph 61).