Meeting documents

March 2014

  1. Meeting document

    Report of the Working Party on the Functioning of the Governing Body and the International Labour Conference - Oral report of the Chairperson of the Working Party

    27 March 2014

  2. Meeting document

    Requests from international non-governmental organizations wishing to be represented at the 103rd Session (2014) of the International Labour Conference

    26 March 2014

  3. Meeting document

    Programme of meetings as approved by the Officers of the Governing Body, Meetings for the remainder of 2014 and for 2015

    25 March 2014

  4. Meeting document

    Composition and agenda of standing bodies and meetings

    24 March 2014

  5. Meeting document

    Evaluation of the impact of the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization, 2008

    21 March 2014

  6. Meeting document

    Complaint concerning non-observance by Guatemala of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), made by delegates to the 101st Session (2012) of the International Labour Conference under article 26 of the ILO Constitution ‎

    21 March 2014

  7. Meeting document

    Reports of the Officers of the Governing Body First report: Complaint concerning non-observance by Bahrain of the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111), made by delegates to the 100th Session (2011) of the International Labour Conference under article 26 of the ILO Constitution

    21 March 2014

  8. Meeting document

    Draft - Approved symposia, seminars, workshops and similar meetings

    20 March 2014

  9. Meeting document

    Report of the Director-General - Addendum

    20 March 2014


  10. Meeting document

    Report of the Director-General - Addendum

    20 March 2014


  11. Meeting document

    Programme and Budget for 2014-15: Collection of contributions from1 January 2014 to date

    17 March 2014

    This paper provides information on the collection of contributions from 1 January 2014 to date and the position of member States in relation to paragraph 4 of article 13 of the Constitution.

  12. Meeting document

    Report of the high-level tripartite mission to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Caracas, 27–31 January 2014)

    16 March 2014

    This document contains the report of the high-level tripartite mission to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela from 27 to 31 January 2014, regarding the examination of all pending issues before the Governing Body in relation to Case No. 2254 under consideration by the Committee on Freedom of Association, as well as all matters relating to technical cooperation.

  13. Meeting document

    Review of the implementation of the Governing Body reform

    12 March 2014

  14. Meeting document

    The standards initiative: Follow-up to the 2012 ILC Committee on the Application of Standards

    10 March 2014

    The Governing Body is invited to give its direction on the action proposed to address the main outstanding issues in the supervisory system as outlined in paragraphs 40–43.

  15. Meeting document

    Belarus: Follow-up given to the recommendations of the 2004 Commission of Inquiry

    10 March 2014

    This document reviews the follow-up given to the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry and the subsequent recommendations of the Committee on Freedom of Association. The Governing Body is invited to provide guidance on any further actions.

  16. Meeting document

    Building questions: Headquarters building renovation project

    07 March 2014

    At its 309th Session (November 2010), the Governing Body approved a comprehensive plan for the renovation of the ILO headquarters building. This paper provides information on the developments since the 319th Session (October 2013) of the Governing Body. The Governing Body is invited to take note of the proposed reduced scope of the project required to retain the total cost approved in the 2010 plan while implementing necessary safety and environmental measures, and to encourage the Director-General to explore options for additional financing beyond that approved in the comprehensive plan to enable the full scope of the project to be realized.

  17. Meeting document

    Standing Orders of the International Labour Conference: Further proposed amendments concerning the reform of the International Labour Conference and other matters

    07 March 2014

    Following a first discussion at the 319th Session (October 2013) of the Governing Body on possible amendments to the Standing Orders of the International Labour Conference in the context of improving the functioning of the Conference, this document contains further proposed amendments. The document is submitted for debate and guidance so as to allow the Office to advance work on possible Standing Orders amendments in parallel with the ongoing discussions on the reform of the Conference.

  18. Meeting document

    Choice of Conventions and Recommendations on which reports should be requested under article 19 of the Constitution in 2015

    07 March 2014

    In the present document, the Governing Body is invited to provide guidance on the theme of the General Survey that should be prepared by the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations in 2015 and discussed at the International Labour Conference in the Conference Committee on the Application of Standards in 2016, and the instruments that would be covered in this General Survey (see the draft decision in paragraph 30).

  19. Meeting document

    Improving the functioning of the International Labour Conference

    06 March 2014

  20. Meeting document

    Complaint concerning non observance by Fiji of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), made by delegates to the 102nd Session (2013) of the International Labour Conference under article 26 of the ILO Constitution‎

    05 March 2014

    The Governing Body is invited to decide whether, in light of the information provided by the Government of Fiji in the appendix to this document, it wishes to appoint a Commission of Inquiry under article 26, paragraph 4, of the ILO Constitution (see the draft decision in paragraphs 11 and 12).